Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wow! I'm so excited!

Our new website is up! A Plus Educational Supply now has a cool new page featuring me, and we'll soon have all our ebooks available for you to purchase. I'll be telling you all about them.

For now, let me just give you a hint with this picture of our cool monkey book!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Can I get butterflies for summer school?

Yes, you can.

We have the Butterfly Pavilions in stock, and we also have the certificates. That means that if you already have a Butterfly House, you can restock it without having to buy a new one.

Come into the store, give us a call, or add the certificate as a comment for your online school supply order.

By the way, the butterflies are great for summer school, but they're also fantastic for homeschool, camp, youth groups, VBS, or just for fun around the house this summer.

And don't miss the new Praying Mantis Pavilion!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What's New?

We're finishing up the school year, getting those orders in (do you have funds you need to spend? Let us help you!), and bringing in lots of new stuff for the summer and for next school year.

What's really exciting, though, is that we're updating our website. We'll have a new homepage where you can order Cindy's fun and exclusive e-books -- and I'll be telling you more about those pretty soon.

Just keep visiting us at APlusEducational.com!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Arkansas History Teacher Workshops

Local news: Arkansas History Workshops

Arkansas teachers are required to have two hours per year of professional development in state history.

Join me for your two hours on May 9th at Pages of Parenting bookstore in Fayetteville. You'll get practical, hands-on, frameworks-based activities that you can use, as well as all the juiciest stories in Arkansas history.

I'm a certified Arkansas History Teacher Trainer, former Education Coordinator of the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History, one of the authors of the Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture, and a fun person to spend your two required hours with.

Saturday, May 9
9-11 am, grades 1-3
1-3 pm, grades 4-6

It's a mere $25, and school purchase orders are accepted. Pre-registration is required. Sponsored by Pages of Parenting and A Plus Educational Supply.

Call 582-3139 to register for either session.

Meanwhile, check out lots of great Arkansas History links and Lesson Plans.